Becoming your best self one day at a time

Hello beautiful & welcome!

We are your coaches and co-founders of the Stronger Together Community. This program is a combination of nutrition, training and creating healthy habits that are sustainable. This 8 week challenge can be used to lose weight, build muscle, or both (body recomposition).

We believe in taking care of your body from the inside out, and have made it the foundation of the Stronger Together community.

Let coaches Janelle and Whitney guide you through your journey.


meal plan

Meal Plan

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fitness plan

Workout Plan

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support group

Support Group

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What’s Included?

  • Direct guidance from two coaches with 24/7 open email access
  • Customized macro plan
  • Customized cardio plan
  • Weekly check-ins with adjustments as needed
  • Complete training program/access to videos for each exercise
  • Private Facebook support group
  • Live Facebook videos and discussions

Ready to Get Started?

Join the movement and become part of the health and fitness challenge.
Last day to join is January 31, 2019.

Start the Challenge